Will The Universe Ever Stop Expanding?

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23 May 2024

Scientists debate what the future of the cosmos looks like and whether space will ever stop getting bigger and bigger

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The universe is constantly expanding, with galaxies moving away from us at an increasing rate

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This expansion is a result of the big bang, which started the spread of space

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Initially, scientists believed the universe's expansion would slow due to gravitational attraction between matter

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However, in 1998, astronomers discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating

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The acceleration is attributed to dark energy, a mysterious force that permeates the universe's vacuum

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Dark energy exerts a repulsive force, pushing everything apart and accelerating cosmic expansion

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The Hubble constant measures the current expansion rate, calculated using supernovae and variable stars

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Different methods of calculating the Hubble constant have led to a discrepancy called the "Hubble tension"

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This tension suggests there may be unknown physics affecting our understanding of the universe's expansion

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If current models are correct, the universe will experience a "big freeze," becoming dark and cold

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