Who Is Jack Sweeney, The Student Who Tracks Celebrity Jets

Image: linkedin/jxcksweeney

Jack Sweeney is a university student in US. He has several social media accounts tracking private jet use of Taylor Swift and other celebs

Image: X/@Jxck_Sweeney

The 21-year-old is the son of an airline maintenance operations controller and a teacher

Image: X/@Jxck_Sweeney

He famously caught Elon Musk's attention for tracking his jet travels online

Image: Reuters

He uses public data from the Federal Aviation Administration and broadcasts aircraft signals to track jets and measure carbon footprints

Image: Facebook/FAA

Pop sensation Taylor Swift's attorneys recently threatened legal action against Jack Sweeney

Image: Instagram/@taylorswift

In December 2023, Ms Swift's attorney accused him of engaging in "stalking and harassing behaviours" over his tracking of her jet activity

Image: File

The attorney's letter said, "While this may be a game to you, or an avenue that you hope will earn you wealth or fame, it is a life-or-death matter for our client"

Image: X/@TSwiftFTC

The lawyer, Katie Wright Morrone, also referenced Elon Musk offering Mr Sweeney $5,000 to delete the Twitter account tracking his jet 

Image: Reuters

The 21-year-old said he never intended any harm with his actions, noting that he is compiling "public information"

Image: X/@IrishInIsengard

He added, "I actually think Swift has some good songs. The college student said. "I believe in transparency and public information"

Image: Instagram/@taylorswift

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Image: linkedin/jxcksweeney
