What Are
Lab-Grown Diamonds?

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8 May 2024

Lab-grown diamonds have become famous over the past several years due to their accessibility and realistic appearance

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These exquisitely cut gems are artificially created in labs with technology that mimics the natural diamond-growing process

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Diamonds generated in a lab have the same visual, physical, and chemical properties as diamonds found in the Earth's crust

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Both methods begin with a tiny piece of a mined diamond

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The biggest difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds is the origin

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Natural diamonds were formed up to 3.5 billion years ago under extreme temperature conditions. They were brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions

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Another difference is the price. Lab-grown diamonds are substantially cheaper than natural ones and people get more for their money

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Lab-grown diamonds have recently grown in popularity amongst shoppers and retailers, specifically among millennials 

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Interestingly, there is no way for a person to differentiate a natural from a lab-grown diamond

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In terms of hardness, they are also the same. They both score a 10 on the Mohs scale, which is used to determine the material hardness

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