Unknown Facts About Earth

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22 May 2024

Earth is our home. The planet's resources feed us and provide the materials of our way of life

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Here are some unknown facts about the blue planet, as per NASA and ESA

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The Earth has never had a fully round shape. Since the planet revolves around its axis, it bulges around the equator by an additional 0.3 percent

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The length of a day on Earth is increasing. A day was roughly 6 hours long when Earth was formed. Today, it is 24 hours long and increasing about 1.7 milliseconds every century

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The driest place in the world is the Atacama Desert in northern Chile and located is next to the biggest body of water- the Pacific Ocean

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The Moon is gradually drifting away from Earth at a rate of approximately 4 cm per year

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Due to extreme heat and pressure, the interior of Earth is not solid but rather semi-solid or "squishy"

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Coral reefs are the largest living structure on Earth

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Earth's gravity is not uniform. The water flow, ice drift and the movement of the tectonic plates beneath Earth's crust all change the pull of gravity

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