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Top Signs That Your Dog Loves You

5 March 2024

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Dogs can't say "I love you" with words, but they have many ways of showing their affection 

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Here are some signs that your dog loves you

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Physical affection including cuddling, leaning on you, licking your face, and putting their head in your lap shows their love for you

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When you come home after being away, your dog may greet you with a wagging tail, jumping up and down, and whining or barking excitedly

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Dogs who love their owners often want to be with them as much as possible, even following them from room to room

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Making eye contact is a sign of trust and affection in dogs. When your dog looks at you with soft eyes, it's their way of saying they love you

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Dogs love to play with their favorite people, and this is a great way to bond with your furry friend

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Dogs have a natural instinct to protect their loved ones, and they may bark or growl at strangers if they feel like you're in danger

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Your dog loves to be in close proximity to you while slumbering, whether that's in their own bed in the corner or right outside the bedroom door

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