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13 March 2024

The Moon revolves around our Earth, which in turn revoles around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes

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But do you now our Sun too orbits a massive object? It is located at the centre of our spiral galaxy, the Milky Way

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Called Sagittarius A*, it is a supermassive black hole that is mostly dormant and only occasionally absorbs gas or dust

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Along with our Sun, everything in our 13.6 billion-year-old galaxy orbits Sagittarius A*, including our solar system

Video: Pexels

According to NASA, our solar system is moving with an average velocity of 720,000 kilometres per hour

Video: Pexels

But even at this speed, it takes about 230 million years for the Sun to make one complete trip around the Milky Way

Image: Unsplash

NASA further said that the Sun rotates on its axis as it revolves around the galaxy

Video: Pexels

Its spin has a tilt of 7.25 degrees with respect to the plane of the planets' orbits

Image: Unsplash

The Sun formed about 4.6 billion years ago in a giant, spinning cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula

Image: Unsplash

It also accounts for 99.8 per cent of our solar system's mass

Image: Unsplash

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Image: Reuters 

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Image: Unsplash