Special Forces: World's Best Fighting Units 

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Australian SASR: Renowned for versatility and expertise in unconventional warfare and counterterrorism, SASR is a formidable force.

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German KSK: KSK, the Special Forces unit of the German Army, is recognised for counterterrorism and special operations capabilities.

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British SAS: Renowned for expertise in counterterrorism, and reconnaissance, SAS is one of the most respected Special Forces units.

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Delta Force: A specialised unit within the US Army, Delta Force is involved in counterterrorism and high-value target missions.

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Canadian JTF2: Joint Task Force 2, Canada's elite special operations force, is involved in various covert missions.

Image: Pixabay

French GIGN: The GIGN is known for its expertise in counterterrorism and hostage rescue operations.

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Russian Spetsnaz: The Russian Special Forces are highly trained in multiple disciplines and have been involved in various operations worldwide.

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Israeli Sayeret Matkal: A top-tier unit in the IDF, Sayeret Matkal excels in intelligence gathering and special operations.

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Indian MARCOS: The MARCOS, an elite unit of the Indian Navy, specialises in amphibious warfare and counterterrorism.

Image: ANI

SEAL Team Six: Known for counterterrorism and special reconnaissance, SEAL Team Six is an elite unit within the US Navy SEALs.

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