Poverty Peacocking: When The Rich Try To Look 'Poor'

Image: Pexels

28 March 2024

While there may be exceptions, there is a trend of ultra wealthy people flaunting their ''simple'' lifestyle 

Image: Jeff Bezos/Instagram

Like Mark Zuckerberg who wears the same grey shirt every day, several billionaire CEOs are seen swapping suits for hoodies 

Image: Reuters

This phenomemon is called 'Poverty peacocking' which has gained popularity on social media platforms

Image: Pexels

It simply refers to a practice of incredibly rich people portraying a frugal or simple life to look ''normal''

Image: @siddarthpaim/X

They want to convey that are just regular people who drive humble cars, dine at average restaurants, and reside in regular homes

Image: @WestCovinaCaddy/X

And the fact that they don't care about their money or that their wealth hasn't changed them

Image: Unsplash

However, in reality, these billionaires don't actually give up their luxuries, but only create an illusion of a modest lifestyle

Image: Pexels

As per a viral article, 'Poverty peacocking' is a great move for their personal brand and any companies they represent

Image: Reuters

It is an effective sales tactic, makes them relatable and likeable to the public, and helps them keep their employees in line

Image: @JustECP/X

Investors also love it because when CEOs publicly give up flashy luxuries, it sends a message that they will be frugal in running the business

Image: Pexels

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Image: Reuters 

Image: Unsplash

