NASA's Asteroid Canister Reveals Ancient Secrets

Image: NASA 

NASA scientists successfully unlocked a metal canister containing rocks gathered from the distant asteroid Bennu

Image: NASA

After months of effort, two challenging fasteners on the canister's lid were finally released

Image: NASA

The isolated asteroid samples, parachuted from space, remained within a specialized glovebox with limited tools

Image: NASA

The lid now open, NASA captured an image of the collected material from the 1,600-foot-wide asteroid Bennu

Image: NASA

This marks NASA's inaugural mission, OSIRIS-REx, aimed at bringing pristine pieces of an asteroid to Earth

Image: NASA

The photo reveals dark rocks up to 0.4 inches wide and various-sized smaller particles from Bennu

Image: NASA

Bennu, like many asteroids, serves as a time capsule offering insights into our ancient solar system

Image: NASA

Being 4.5 billion years old, Bennu's rocks can help scientists understand planetary formation and Earth's water source

Image: NASA

OSIRIS-REx approached Bennu in October 2020, extending an arm to collect samples using nitrogen gas propulsion

Image: NASA

The spacecraft nudged Bennu for five seconds, propelling rocks and dust into the canister for analysis

Image: NASA

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Image: NASA