Most Expensive Food Items In The World

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Great ingredients are the foundation of any perfect recipe. Some are hard to  find while others are simply available in our kitchen

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Here is a list of the most expensive foods in the world, however, prices can vary from season to season and country to country

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Beluga Caviar is made from sturgeon fish roe. It sells for sells for $34,500 per kg

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Bluefin tuna is a staple of sushi and sashimi cuisine in Japan. A 212 kg bluefin tuna sold at an auction for $273,000, equivalent to $1,287 per kg


Elvish honey comes from a 1,800-meter-deep cave in the Turkish city of Artvin. The taste and location cause it to sell for $5,330 per kg

Image: Elvish Honey

Edible gold leaf sheets are tasteless and are frequently stacked on cakes for decorative purposes. They range in price from $169 to more than $15,000 for 400 grams

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Kopi luwak coffee is prepared from coffee beans consumed and excreted by Asian palm civets. Around 400 grams of these coffee beans can cost $600

Image: Luwak Coffee

White truffles, also known as Alba truffles, are a sumptuous treat valued for their earthy, aromatic flavour. They sell for more than $250 per 28 grams

Saffron sells for $10 to $20 per gram. Saffron is primarily cultivated in Iran and is a popular component in Spanish, Iranian, Moroccan, and Indian cuisine

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Kobe beef, a delicacy renowned for its unparalleled flavour and tenderness, originated in Japan and is sold for $50 for 28 grams

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