Important Blood Tests All Adults Should Get 

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12 April 2024

Regular blood testing is one of the most important ways to keep track of your overall physical well-being 

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Here are some essential blood tests all adults should get done frequently 

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A routine complete blood count (CBC) helps check for at least 10 different components of every major cell in your body

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CBC measures red blood cell count, haemoglobin, and hematocrit - all of which are important to know if you are anaemic, have blood cancer or have nutritional deficiencies

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Basic metabolic panel (BMP) checks for levels of 8 compounds in the blood, which include calcium, glucose, sodium, potassium and etc

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Abnormal BMP results can indicate kidney disease, diabetes or electrolyte imbalances

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Lipid panel checks levels of two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

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Abnormal HDL cholesterol can indicate a major risk factor for heart disease, while abnormal LDL cholesterol can also be dangerous 

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C-reactive protein test (CRP) indicates problems with your liver when tissues in your body are inflamed 

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The higher the level, the higher the risk of heart disease, as per doctors 

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Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also be diagnosed using a blood sample

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These tests are often combined with urine samples for more accurate diagnoses of conditions including herpes, HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C

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