How To Stop Procrastination

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13 May 2024

Procrastination is not a time management problem. It is most likely attributable to problems controlling unpleasant emotions like boredom or fear

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You may overcome your procrastination habits by altering your perspective, praising yourself for making progress, and letting go of perfectionism

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Here are some effective tips for overcoming that daunting task you've been avoiding

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Start by deciding on just one chore that you have been putting off, and then resolve to finish it within the upcoming week

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Take immediate action and start working on it today

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After you've decided on a task, set a five minute timer and work on it within that time

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Studies indicate that the likelihood of completing a task increases significantly after you start working on it

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Keep all your distractions away and work in concentrated chunks of time with short periods of rest

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This will allow you to harness the optimal performance of your brain and body

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Stop beating yourself up about the past. Don't think about how you could have started it earlier, it will only make matters worse

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