How To Know You Are Burnt Out?

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24 April 2024

Burnout is a type of exhaustion produced by feeling continually overwhelmed

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It occurs when we have been experiencing excessive emotional, bodily, and mental tiredness over an extended period

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In many circumstances, burnout is linked to a person's job. However, it can also occur in other aspects of your life, affecting your health

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One of the signs of burnout is feeling drained, worn out, and unable to handle daily life. Your burnout could even make it challenging to function if ignored

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Unmanageable workloads, unfair treatment at work, confusing responsibilities, lack of support from managers, and feeling life is out of control are other signs

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Some people also have difficulty concentrating and can get angry easily. It has also been linked to disturbed sleep in a few individuals

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There are various ways by which you can improve your well-being and avoid burnout

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Take care of your body by eating healthily and getting enough rest. Prioritise exercising to improve your attitude and energy

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Seek ways to balance and reinvent how you view your job or your personal life

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Reach out to others for assistance, such as friends, coworkers, or social organisations. Take timely breaks and vacations 

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