How Animals And Nature React To Eclipse

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4 April 2024

A rare total solar eclipse is going to take place on April 8 and it will be visible in several countries, including the US, Mexico and Canada

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The eclipse may last just mere minutes for those in the path of totality, but researchers say that its effect on the natural world will be profound

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Angela Speck, a professor at the University of Texas, said that plants and animals will begin to react in the lead-up to totality as the light begins to dim

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Birds will start to flock about 20 minutes from totality, while some will quiet down. This is likely to avoid detection from predators during the dark period, experts explained

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Farm animals, like cows and chickens, will walk back to the barn because they'll think it is nighttime

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Bees will stop buzzing during totality and return to their hives. Then, when the sunlight re-appears, the bees will seem disoriented

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Crepuscular nocturnal insects, such as crickets, will begin to vocalise as the light dissipates during the eclipse

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Spiders will begin to engage in web maintenance, which is a typical nighttime behaviour for them to catch potential meals overnight

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Galapagos tortoise, a typically slow and lethargic species, will get the urge to mate, experts said citing a previous study 

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According to another study conducted during the 2017 eclipse, some plants will close up during totality

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