Facts About Amarnath Cave Shrine

April 24, 2024

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The Amarnath Yatra is an annual pilgrimage, primarily undertaken by devout Hindus, to the holy Amarnath Cave in Jammu and Kashmir

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The cave is situated at an altitude of around 3,888 meters and is dedicated to Lord Shiva

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The yatra typically takes place during the months of July and August and attracts thousands of pilgrims from across the country

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The Shiva Lingam at the shrine is a Swayambhu lingam, which is a natural stalagmite formation inside a 40 m tall cave at an elevation of 3,888 m, having a peak of 5,186 m

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

It is believed that Lord Shiva revealed the secrets of life and eternity to Goddess Parvati in this cave

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The history of temple traces back to the 15th century when a Muslim shepherd, Buta Malik, discovered the Amarnath Cave

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The pilgrimage to the temple started in the 19th century when a Kashmiri Pandit Mahadev Kaul discovered the cave again

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

The Amarnath Yatra was officially started in 1934 by the Dogra ruler Maharaja Hari Singh

Image: X/@amarnathjiyatra

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