Dukan Diet: Does It Help Lose Weight?

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9 May 2024

Known as the French medical solution to permanent weight loss, the Dukan diet is a fad diet that promises to help you lose weight

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It is a high-protein diet in which both fats and carbohydrates are restricted

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The diet is divided in four phases, including the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase and the stabilisation phase that help you reach your 'true weight'

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1. The attack phase consists of pure protein and helps kick-start the diet. During this phase, you can eat 68 high-protein foods

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2. The cruise phase adds 32 vegetables and will take you to your true weight. In total, you can select from 100 vegetables

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3. The consolidation phase is designed to prevent the rebound effect by gradually re-introducing previously forbidden foods in limited quantities

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4. The stabilisation phase allows the dieters to eat anything they want without gaining weight by following 3 rules

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Th rules are to have 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily, walk 20 minutes daily while using stairs whenever possible and continue with pure-protein Thursdays

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Does it work? It may help lose some weight, but requires a high level of effort. There is limited scientific support that diet is effective and sustainable in the long run

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Research has linked it to possible health complications, including kidney disease and liver disease. It may also not provide the full range of nutrients the body needs

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