Decoding Interpol's
Colour-Coded Notices

Image: Interpol

6 May 2024 

International requests for assistance or alerts that permit police in member nations to exchange vital crime-related data are known as Interpol Notices

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Most notices are for police use only and are not available to the public. However, it can be published on their site if the country wishes to alert the public

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A Red Notice is issued to seek the location and arrest of persons wanted for prosecution or to serve a sentence

Image: Interpol

A Yellow Notice is used by Interpol to assist in identifying those who are unable to identify themselves or in locating missing persons, usually minors

Image: Interpol

To collect additional information about a person's identity, location or activities concerning a criminal investigation, a Blue Notice is issued

Image: Interpol

A Black Notice is issued to seek information on unidentified bodies

Image: Interpol

When someone is thought to pose a risk to public safety due to their criminal activity, a Green Notice is used by Interpol to warn about it

Image: Interpol

An Orange Notice is issued to warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a serious and imminent threat to public safety

Image: Interpol

Purple Notice is issued by Interpol to find or share information on objects, devices and concealment methods used by criminals

Image: Interpol

The Interpol-United Nations Security Council Special Notice is issued for individuals or groups targeted by UN Security Council Sanctions Committees

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Image: Interpol