Crocodile Hunting:  A Waning Practice 

Image: AFP

The legends of Crocodile hunters stay with Banunu fishermen as the practice is declining

Image: AFP

The Libinza tribe, for generations, have been involved in crocodile hunting along the Congo river

Image: AFP

The tribe is known for its extraordinary fishing and hunting superstitions 

Image: AFP

The Banunu fishermen often inherit spears and ancestral totems believed to have spiritual significance

Image: AFP

They know how to communicate with crocodiles, attracting them by  imitating their cries

Image: AFP

There was a time when crocodile hunting was lucrative, back when the Congo was known as Zaire between 1971 and 1997

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President Mobutu Sese Seko was in power and crocodile skin was sought after for its supposed miraculous qualities

Image: Wikimedia

Nowadays, the selling of wild crocodile skin "is forbidden" to preserve the species, say fishermen

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Image: Reuters 

Image: Unsplash

Image: AFP