Countries That Have Banned TikTok

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5 April 2024

The US is considering a nationwide ban on TikTok due to security concerns. The US government has banned the app on federal devices

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Canada banned TikTok from government devices in February. They are worried about privacy and security risks

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India banned TikTok entirely in 2020 after a border clash with China. They said the app threatened India's security

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The UK banned TikTok on government devices following similar actions by other countries

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Australia also banned TikTok from government devices due to security concerns

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Several European countries banned TikTok from government devices

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They worry about Chinese government access to user data

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New Zealand's parliament banned TikTok on staff devices after a security analysis

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Somalia banned TikTok in 2023 because terrorist groups were using the app

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Taiwan banned Chinese-made software, including TikTok, from government devices

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