Celebrity Lookalikes That Will Make You Question Reality

Image: Instagram/ihategum

A recent viral video depicted a woman resembling Kate Middleton with Prince William at a Windsor market

Image: Instagram/katemiddletonlookalike

While some were convinced it was the Princess herself, others believed it was a doppelganger

Image: Instagram/katemiddletonlookalike

Speculation arose that the woman could be Heidi Agan, a professional doppelganger of Kate Middleton

Image: Instagram/katemiddletonlookalike

This incident has reignited interest in celebrity doppelgangers, bringing them back into the spotlight

Image: Instagram/ihategum

Hollywood legend Tom Cruise has various doppelgangers, some have even worked as his stunt doubles previously

Image: X/@LakshmiRIyer

In 2018, Amethyst Rose went viral on social media due to her resemblance to singer/actress Lady Gaga

Image: Instagram/walmartladygaga

Johannes Laschet is another famous social media influencer who is also known as the German Ryan Gosling

Image: Instagram/joe_laschet

Angelina Jolie's lookalike Chelsea Marr makes people believe in the concept of time travel due to her uncanny resemblance to the actress


Leonardo Di Caprio's lookalike Konrad Annerud has over 100,000 followers on Instagram

Image: Instagram/konradannerud

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