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The universe is a vast expanse that contains everything beyond our home planet Earth

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It also contains several weird things that defy logic - like Bootes Void

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Called The Great Nothing, it is one of the biggest voids and located 700 light years away from Earth

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Bootes Void is 300 million light years across - a region the Milky Way could fit into billions of times over

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It was discovered in 1981 by astronomer Richard Kirshner using redshifts that measures how fast something is moving away from Earth

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Space scientists have used available data to understand how structures like Bootes Void were created

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They found that after the Big Bang, galaxies started arranging themselves in clusters leaving behind empty voids

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According to the BBC, voids make up around 80 per cent of observable universe And Bootes is called 'supervoid'

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It is thought that Bootes is the product of smaller voids merging together

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Research on the Bootes Void revealed that it has around 60 galaxies in an area that should contain approximately 2,000 galaxies

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