AI 'Ghosts': Potential Mental Health Threat

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16 Mar 2024

AI 'ghosts' recreate dead loved ones virtually, raising concerns about mental health implications

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Psychotherapist warns AI avatars could perpetuate confusion, stress, depression, and psychosis

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Technology allows for interactive representations using deep fake and AI chatbots like ChatGPT

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While offering comfort, AI ghosts may interfere with the natural grieving process, causing emotional dependence

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Grief is complex and varies over time, influenced by circumstances surrounding the death

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Freud's theory of melancholia highlights added difficulties for those grieving ambiguous or traumatic deaths

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Ghostbots pose risks of saying harmful things or giving inappropriate advice to mourners

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Rogue AI could worsen mental health by suggesting harmful actions, as seen in real incidents

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Oversight and human supervision are crucial due to the unreliability and potential risks of AI

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Forgetting is necessary for healthy grief; rituals and symbols aid in meaningful remembrance and closure

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