A $10 Billion Car? Ferrari Chief's Remark Viral

Image: Unsplash

12 April 2024

Today, customisation isn't just a luxury - it's an expectation. And nowhere is this more evident than in the hyper-personalised car market

Image: Unsplash

From sleek exteriors to cutting-edge technology, consumers are demanding vehicles that reflect their unique lifestyles and preferences

Image: Pexels

Companies too are looking to cater to this market, with Mercedes showcasing its vision for hyper-personalisation at CES 2024

Image: Rolls-Royce

Ferrari CEO Benedetto Vigna recently joked that he hopes one day to sell a $10 billion car - showing promise in the future of personalisation

Image: Pexels

Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Aston Martin have also jumped in, increasing the customers' choices from paint colour, the type of upholstery and wheels

Image: Rolls-Royce

In recent years, wealthy buyers have gone to the extent of redesigning the entire vehicle as an extension of themselves

Image: Pexels

At Rolls-Royce, a separate division has been set up to deal with personalised features that take the car's cost past $1 million

Image: Rolls-Royce

One of the most popular Rolls-Royce features is a night sky scene of tiny dimmable fibre optic lights installed in the roof of the car

Image: Rolls-Royce

The company also shared another interesting anecdote where one car owner requested embroidery depicting the moon's surface complete with craters

Image: Rolls-Royce

According to Rolls-Royce, this involved at least 250,000 individual stitches, surrounded by 1,183 fibre-optic "stars"

Image: Rolls-Royce

A couple in Shanghai commissioned a constellation based on their baby daughter and had an image of her footprints inlaid on the car's dashboard

Image: Rolls-Royce

Personalisation has also brought in money for companies - Ferrari increased its profit forecast for entire year and Bentley saw a 10-fold rise in profits

Image: Rolls-Royce

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