8 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds Worldwide

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Here's list of 8 most dangerous dog breeds worldwide, shedding light on their traits and the risks associated with owning them

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Pit Bulls can be loyal and affectionate companions when raised in a nurturing environment, they have a history of aggression towards other animals and, in some cases, humans

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Rottweilers are large and muscular dogs originally bred for herding and guarding purposes. They are protective of their territory and can exhibit aggressive behavior 

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German Shepherds are intelligent and versatile dogs often employed in police and military work. They need training and socialization to prevent behavioral issues

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Doberman Pinschers were originally bred as guard dogs. They are known for their loyalty and protectiveness, but they can also be aggressive if not properly  trained

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Chow Chows are distinctive for their lion-like mane and blue-black tongue. They are known for their aloof and independent nature, which can sometimes translate into aggression towards strangers 

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Siberian Huskies are energetic and independent dogs bred for sled-pulling in cold climates. While they are friendly and sociable, they have a strong prey drive

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Great Danes are giant dogs that were originally bred for hunting boar

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Bullmastiffs are generally gentle and affectionate with their families, they can be wary of strangers and may exhibit protective behavior

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