7 Ways To Celebrate Holi With Your Pet

Image: X/@laxmanbaral27

24 March 2024

Holi is a festival of colours and joy that is celebrated across India and other parts of the world

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While Holi celebrations are known for their vibrant colors and water fights, these traditions can be dangerous for animals if we're not careful

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Here are some valuable tips to celebrate Holi with your furry companion

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Ditch the traditional colours and choose fun, pet-friendly options made from natural ingredients like turmeric, beetroot, and spinach. They're safe and just as colourful

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Holi's festivities can be overwhelming for pets with all the loud music. To avoid anxiety and stress, find a quiet, safe space for your pet 

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Offer them plenty of water throughout the day to combat dehydration caused by the heat and excitement. Also, avoid giving them any drinks or food that could be harmful to their health

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Instead of taking them outside where colors can be messy and overwhelming, create a dedicated indoor play area that's easy to clean up after

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After the colorful fun of Holi, give your pet a gentle bath with warm water and pet-friendly shampoo to remove any leftover colour

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Skip the sugary treats that can be unhealthy for pets. Instead, make them some delicious homemade treats with safe ingredients like peanut butter, carrots, and sweet potatoes

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