5 Most Colourful Animals In The World
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Bright red, orange, and rainbows, the animal kingdom features colourful species, many that we have never seen
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Here is a list of five most colourful animals on this planet
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The Mandarinfish, found in the Pacific ocean, is known for its incredible brown, orange, green and blue sinuous stripes
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The peacock is famous for its iridescent tail, which it fans out in a magnificent display
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Its tail feathers are a combination of blue-green plumage and colorful "eye" markings
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The scarlet macaw is one of the world's most colourful birds, with plumage that ranges from bright red to yellow, blue, and turquoise
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Mandarin ducks are known for their striking plumage, with a combination of bright orange, green, blue, and white feathers
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The Rainbow lorikeet, a medium-sized parrot, has red, orange, yellow, blue, and green feathers
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