10 Stunning Images Of Mars Captured By NASA Rover

Mar 27, 2024

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

NASA's Curiosity rover has been exploring Mars for over a decade. Here are 10 stunning pictures it has captured

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

An image of the Mount Sharp, a mountain on Mars, captured by the rover

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

In this picture, a cloudy day is seen on Mars

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

This image shows an outcrop with finely layered rocks on Mount Sharp

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

This image shows a pattern typical of a lake-floor sedimentary deposit not far from where flowing water entered a lake

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

NASA's Curiosity rover has sent pictures of meteorites found on Mars

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

Rover has spotted evidence that Mars had wet-dry cycles that could have led to conditions for microscopic life to form

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

Curiosity rover is part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. It is the largest rover ever sent to the red planet

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

The rover has been orbiting around the surface of Mars each day since it landed in 2012

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

NASA is planning to send astronauts to Mars as early as the 2030s

Image: X/MarsCuriosity

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Image: Reuters 

Image: Unsplash

Image: X/MarsCuriosity
