10 Science Facts That'll Leave You In Awe And Wonder

Image: Pixabay

Earth To Moon Distance - The Moon is so far that all the planets of our solar system, if kept next to each other, can fit between the Earth and the Moon. It can also fit 29.5 Earths.

Video Credit: Pexels

Size Of A Molecule - A molecule is so miniscule that there are more molecules of water in a glass of water, than glasses of water in all of Earths oceans, seas, rivers and lakes combined.

Video Credit: Pexels

How Lonely Is Space - We may see countless stars on a clear night, but space is a lonely place. If the Sun is reduced to the size of a golf ball, the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, would still be 2,463 km away.

Video Credit: Pexels

We See The Past Every Night - The stars we see are all way in the past. The Belt of Orion, easily visible even from cities, is 1,344 light years away. We see it in Jan 2024, as it were in Jan of 680 A.D.

(Credit: YouTube / @hashcatscience)

Interstellar Space (Space between stars in a galaxy) - The Voyager-1  - farthest human-made object, traveling a million miles a day, will take 30,300 years to cross the Oort Cloud, the outermost part of our solar system.

(Credit: YouTube / @Cosmoknowledge)

Million, Billion And Trillion - If you count by the second, a million seconds would take 12 days, a billion seconds 31 years, But a trillion seconds would take us back to the Old Stone Age - A whopping 31,709 years.

(Credit: YouTube / blakeArt)

Machine vs Nature (Speed) - If light could bend around the Earth, it would orbit the planet 7.5 times per second. In comparison, the fastest fighter jet would take 17 hours for 1 rotation around Earth.

(Credit: YouTube / @Obengplus)

Atom To Human Scale - From atom to human is about 10 orders of magnitude (scientific unit). From human to Earth is about 6 orders of magnitude. A human is therefore closer to the size of Earth than to an atom.

(Credit: YouTube / @CERN)

How Much Is One Second? - A day has 24 hours, an hour 60 minutes, and a minute 60 seconds. But what is a second? 1 second is the time taken for the caesium-133 atom to oscillate 9 billion, 192 million, 631 thousand, 770 times.

(Credit: Youtube / Robert Gonzalez)

Never In 1 Place - Even when we're sitting in one place, the Earth rotates on its axis at 1,600 kmph + it also travels around the Sun at 1,07,000 kmph + the Sun further travels around the Milky Way galaxy at 8,28,000 kmph.

Credit: Youtube / @official.cosmos)

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