Zensar to hire around 650 people next fiscal year

Pune-based software services exporter Zensar Technologies plans to hire up to 650 people, including 300 freshers, in the next fiscal year and expect to achieve higher than the industry average growth, its vice-chairman and chief executive Ganesh Natarajan said non Thursday.

"It is difficult to give exact numbers but this year I think we will hire 500-650," Mr Natarajan told reporters. Of the planned hiring, at least 300 will be freshers, which the company has already committed, he said, adding,"the balance will be lateral."

Mr Natarajan also said Zensar is expecting to clock growth better than the industry in the next fiscal, driven by the pent up demand.

Industry lobby National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) had last month forecast information technology IT exports to grow 12-14 per cent next fiscal year, higher than the revised 10.9 per cent growth it predicted for the current fiscal year on the back of economic recovery in the US and Europe.