Latest On Tejas Express, The Luxury Train With Wifi, LCD Screens

Tejas Express will  serve cuisine curated by celebrity chefs
Tejas Express will serve cuisine curated by celebrity chefs

Indian Railways is set to launch a premium train service called Tejas Express between Mumbai and Goa this summer. Fitted with automatic doors, LCD screens, onboard wifi, tea/coffee vending machines, magazines and snack tables, the 20-coach Tejas Express will also serve cuisine curated by celebrity chefs. The premium Tejas Express service was announced in Rail Budget 2016-17. Tejas will showcase the future of train travel in India, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has said. "Mumbai-Goa train journey will get as exciting as air travel from June...," the Ministry of Railways said on microblogging site Twitter on Monday.

Here are 10 things to know about the upcoming Tejas Express:

Tejas Express will operate at speeds of 130 kmph and above, according to the Rail Budget 2016-17.

The train "will showcase the future of train travel in India", offering onboard services such as entertainment, local cuisine, WiFi etc. through one service provider for ensuring accountability and improved customer satisfaction, it said.

Latest On Tejas Express, The Luxury Train With Wifi, LCD Screens
(With inputs from PTI)