PM Modi's Gold Deposit Scheme Attracts Only 400 Grams So Far

Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month unveiled a gold coin with the Ashok Chakra engraved on one side.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month unveiled a gold coin with the Ashok Chakra engraved on one side.

A gold deposit scheme launched amid fanfare by Prime Minister Narendra Modi two weeks ago has so far attracted only 400 grams, out of a national hoard estimated at 20,000 tonnes, an industry official said on Thursday.

PM Modi has urged Indians to put gold stashed in homes and temples in the bank, offering modest rates of interest that earlier schemes have lacked. The government has also launched 'paper' gold in the form of gold-backed bonds.

A shortage of centres to assay the gold being put on deposit is a problem that the government has agreed to address, said Anil Sankhwal, the northern regional chairman of the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council.

"Only 400 grams have been deposited so far," Mr Sankhwal told reporters after meeting finance ministry officials. "The government has agreed to review the scheme and open more centres for gold testing and depositing in banks."

A finance ministry official said the government had agreed to increase the number of testing centres and refineries involved in the scheme. There are 29 testing centres and four refineries currently accredited to it.

The number of testing centres would increase to 55, and refineries to 20, by the end of the year.

Another scheme, to mint India's own series of gold coins, is going a bit better than the deposit scheme.

Buyers have acquired 6,200 of the Ashoka Chakra coins - which carry the symbol of a 24-spoke circle that also graces the Indian national flag.

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