New Zealand Looking For Techies: Free Flight, Free Stay For Job Interview

New Zealand's capital Wellington has launched a campaign called LookSee It will invite nearly 100 tech workers for job interview The interviews will be held over May 8-11, 2017

The job interviews will be held from May 8-11.
The job interviews will be held from May 8-11.

A free trip to New Zealand from anywhere in the world. Free accommodation and some sightseeing as well. This is what New Zealand's capital city Wellington is offering to 100 tech workers to lure them for a job interview. The city has launched a campaign called LookSee as part of its efforts to boost footprint as a tech hub.

It'll be four days (May 8-11, 2017) of pre-arranged job interviews, meet-ups with tech leaders and exploration, with all flights and accommodation paid for. Wellington Mayor Justin Lester says, "Our tech innovation industry is flying along. We need more people. Not just anyone. We want the best."

The programme involves registering your candidature and uploading your CV. You may then be invited for a video interview. Participating employers will be able to view your profile and they may wish to then contact you directly to assess you further. The employers may then 'nominate' you, essentially saying that they'd like you to win one of the one hundred spots available so that they could meet you in person in Wellington. The more nominations you receive the more likely you are to win an invitation for a job interview in Wellington. It will be up to the employers then whether they'd like to hire you.