90% Companies in India Looking to Hire: Survey

90% Companies in India Looking to Hire: Survey

The job market in India is improving. About 90 per cent of companies are looking to hire, says Sambhav Rakyan, data services practice leader for Asia Pacific at Towers Watson, a global HR consulting firm. (Watch Video)

Mr Sambhav Rakyan says its hiring survey showed that strong demand is being seen for graduates from top-tier business schools, research jobs in pharma, technical areas like social, mobile, analytics and cloud computing (SMAC) and SharePoint.

The top sectors where the companies would be hiring are sales and engineering, he added.

Entry-Level Salaries

Recently the HR consulting firm also released a global survey on entry-level salary. The survey throws up some interesting insights for India. The starting salary for university graduates in India is among the lowest in the Asia Pacific region at a median average of Rs 25,000 per month, says Mr Rakyan The range can be wide from Rs 10,000 to Rs 60,000, he added.

Average salaries in engineering functions are higher at Rs 30,000 while that in roles in administration customer service, manufacturing and tech support ranged from Rs 16,000 to Rs 18000, Mr Rakyan said.

Comparatively, graduates in Singapore may be earning more than five times that that of their Indian peers, Mr Rakyan said. Even in China entry-level salaries on a dollar-to-dollar basis in IT and manufacturing are 40 per cent more that offered in India, he said, adding that salary across different countries depend factors like cost of living and labour market, he added. 

On the other hand, the starting salary for MBAs in India is Rs 40,000, Mr Rakyan said. The range can be between Rs 14,000 and Rs 1.44 lakh, he added.