Image credit: istock/Bhupi

Home Care For COVID-19 PATIENTs

According to the guidelines by Health Ministry, the patients who are clinically assigned to be mild /asymptomatic are recommended for home isolation. 

Image credit: istock/insta_photos

Such patients must isolate themselves from other members and stay in one identified room, away from other people in home, especially elderlies. 

Image credit: istock/Bhupi

Self-monitoring is the key in home isolation - monitoring blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter is strongly advised. 

Image credit: istock/Hailshadow

The patient should also self-monitor his/her health with daily temperature monitoring and report promptly if any deterioration is noticed.

Image credit: istock/vadimguzhva

At home, the patient should be kept in a
well-ventilated room and they should ensure windows are kept open for cross ventilation. 

Image credit: istock/kieferpix

COVID-19 patient should at all times use triple layer medical mask. 

Image credit: istock/damircudic

The mask should be discarded after 8 hours of use or earlier if they become wet or visibly dirty. 

Image credit: istock/Gregi69

Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite. 

Image credit: istock/Lei7

COVID-19 patient must take ample rest and drink a lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration. 

Image credit: istock/CarmenMurillo

Patient should also wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean the hands with alcohol-based sanitizer. 

Image credit: istock/Bogdan Kurylo

It is recommended that patients should not share personal items with other people in the household. 

Image credit: istock/VectorFun

If possible, patient should ensure cleaning of surfaces in the room that are touched often like tabletops, doorknobs, handles, with 1% hypochlorite solution. 

Image credit: istock/Maridav

Image credit: istock/Muralinath

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