Delta: COVID-19 Variant Of Concern

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Variants of Interest (VOI)

A SARS-CoV-2 isolate that has been identified to cause community transmission or has been detected in multiple countries.

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Variants Of Concern (VOC)

VOI becomes VOC when found to be associated with increase in transmissibility, virulence, or a decrease in effectiveness of public health measures or available diagnostics.

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Image Courtesy: Istock | Source: WHO

WHO has named VOCs and VOIs using Greek alphabets to simplify public communication and to avoid variants being called by the places where they were detected, which is stigmatizing.

B.1.617.2 variant of COVID-19 which was first spotted in India in October 2020 and declared by WHO as VOC on May 11, 2021 has been renamed as 'Delta Variant'.

Image Courtesy: ANI | Source: WHO

Delta variant is more contagious than other strains and has the potential to be more lethal because it is more efficient in the way it transmits between humans.

Image Courtesy: Istock | Source: WHO

Delta variant also poses possible increased risk of hospitalisation.

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Delta variant, now reported in 85 countries globally (as of June 22, 2021), continues to spread across the world. It is becoming a dominant variant.

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A study from Singapore showed that infection with Delta variant was associated with higher odds of oxygen requirement, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, or death.

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Delta Plus Variant:
Delta Puls is a mutated version of Delta variant. It is characterised by the K417N mutation in the spike protein of the virus. 

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Image Courtesy: ANI | Source: MOHFW

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare labelled Delta Plus as a Variant of Concern on June 22.

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Delta Plus strain has high transmissibility and has been found in many states with Maharashtra reporting the maximum cases of this variant. 

On the basis of learnings so far, the Delta Plus shows three characteristics-
- Increased transmissibility, stronger
- Binding to receptors of lung cells
- Potentially reduced monoclonal antibody response

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- Get vaccinated as vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe disease and death
- Follow COVID appropriate behaviour- wear masks, keep hands clean, maintain social distance

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