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The Countdown Highlights: Will KCR Trump Congress-TDP Alliance
Dec 03, 2018 22:09:51 (IST)
Question: There is a wide spread belief here among the people of Telangana that you will run the government from remote control even if there are 5 MLAs and they say that Babu is a past master at this. 

N Chandrababu Naidu:  What I am saying is, it is all instigated by him.

Question: It doesn't matter who instigated, what matters is what people believe.

N Chandrababu Naidu:  What I am saying, 1 or 2 people may be there. But I am very clear when it is time for me to come and run Telangana, if there is anything that I can help......If that is the case, then why they are coming? (points to the crowd). Yesterday you have seen in the crowd, what is the response.

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