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In Parliament, Congress Says This Is What BJP Is Best At: Highlights
Feb 05, 2018 15:13:49 (IST)
Modi government has opposed the practice of Triple Talaq: Amit Shah
  • The Modi government has opposed the practice of Triple Talaq, and is determined to give Muslim women... mothers and sisters their right to live freely and fearlessly.
  • It is not the first time that the court has given a verdict.
  • It had given a verdict in the past as well.. in the Shah Bano case... but it was stopped by a legislation brought in by the Congress Party....
  • Yes, yes, you will say that you are not opposing the ban on Triple Talaq, but my friends in the Congress... the manner of your protest may not be open as was the case in the past too.
  • The methods of your intensions have been seen taking other forms.

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