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  (Rs. in Lacs except per share data)
    (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Sl No Particulars Three Months Ended Dec 31-08 Three Months Ended Dec 31-07 Nine Months Ended Dec 31-08 Nine Months Ended Dec 31-07 Year Ended March 31-08
1 Income from Operations 8,184 8,920 22,548 21,508 30,562
2 Expenditure          
  a. Production Expenses 1,862 1,654 4,691 4,435 6,061
  b. Personnel Expenses 2,730 2,404 8,358 6,725 9,575
  c. Special employee bonus 5 - 5 14 14
  d. Marketing, Distribution & Promotional Expenses 1,985 1,350 6,234 3,927 6,094
  e. Operating & Administrative Expenses 2,131 1,385 5,820 3,597 5,581
  f. Depreciation 619 542 1,780 1,463 2,038
  Total Expenditure 9,332 7,335 26,888 20,161 29,363
Profit/(Loss) From Operations Before Other Income,Interest & Exceptional Items(1-2)
(1,148) 1,585 (4,340) 1,347 1,199
4 Other Income 75 27 2,885 133 1,288
5 Profit/(Loss) Before Interest & Exceptional Items (3+4) (1,073) 1,612 (1,455) 1,480 2,487
6 Interest Cost 443 135 1,091 224 385
7 Profit/(Loss) After Interest But Before Exceptional Items (5-6) (1,516) 1,477 (2,546) 1,256 2,102
8 Exceptional Items -   - - -
9 Profit/(Loss) From Ordinary Activities Before Tax (7-8) (1,516) 1,477 (2,546) 1,256 2,102
10 Cost of stock options 141 359 576 891 1,183
11 Tax Expence      
- Current 90 
- Tax for Earlier Years - (4) 
- Deferred 26   353  (467) 123   183
- Fringe Benefit Tax  65  59  190  146  222
12 Net Profit/(Loss) from Ordinary Activities After Tax  (9-10-11) (1,748) 706 (2,845) 96 428
13 Extraordinary Item - - - - -
14 Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period (12-13) (1,748)  706 (2,845) 96 428

Paid -up Equity Share Capital
(Face value Rs 4/- per share)

2,508 2,501 2,508 2,501 2,503
16 Reserves (Excluding Revaluation Reserve) - - - 2,104
17 Earnings Per Share (of Rs.4/-each)          
  Before Extraordinary Items          
  - Basic (2.79) 1.13 (4.54) 0.15 0.68
  - Diluted (2.79) 1.12 (4.54) 0.15 0.66
  After Extraordinary Items          
  - Basic (2.79) 1.13 (4.54) 0.15 0.68
  - Diluted (2.79) 1.12 (4.54) 0.15 0.66
18 Dividend per share (face value of Rs.4 per share)          
  Final Dividend (Rs. per share)         0.80
  Dividend percentage         20%
19 Aggregate of Public Shareholding          

- No. of equity shares of Rs 4/- each

23,097,924 24,390,832 23,097,924 24,390,832 24,439,017
  - percentage of Shareholding 36.83% 39.00% 36.83% 39.00% 39.05%
Notes :
1  The Board of Directors at their meeting held on October 1, 2008 had approved the Scheme of Arrangement ('the Scheme') for demerger of the News businesses of the Company. Accordingly, the Company will be split into two groups of companies: one group of companies will carry out 'News and other businesses' and the other group of companies will carry out 'Entertainment and specified allied businesses'. This demerger will be carried out pursuant to Section 391 to 394 read with sections 78, 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956. After the demerger, for every one share currently held in the Company, a shareholder will hold one share in the holding company whose subsidiaries will carry out the 'News and other businesses' and one share in the holding company whose subsidiaries will carry out the 'Entertainment and specified allied businesses'. The Appointed Date for the Scheme has been specified as 1st April, 2009. The Scheme is subject to the approval of the High Court Of Delhi and other requisite approvals. During the quarter, the Company has received confirmations of "No Objection" from the Stock Exchanges on the Scheme. The Company is in process of filing the Scheme with the High Court of Delhi.
2 The income from operations includes income of Rs.798 lacs (previous period Rs.629 lacs) for the quarter ended December 31, 2008 (Col A) and Rs.2372 lacs (previous period Rs.1484 lacs) for the nine months ended December 31, 2008 (Col C) charged from subsidiaries towards the shared services provided by the Company.
3 The financial results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors in its meeting held on January 22, 2009 and Januray 23,2009. The financial results are audited and the auditors' report contains no qualification. The auditors report on the the standalone financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2008 contains no qualification other than remuneration of Rs.113 lacs paid to the directors for the years ended March 31,2008 and March 31,2007 which is subject to Central Government approval due to inadequacy of profits. Additionally, 100,000 stock options of the Company granted in previous year and 35,278 shares of its subsidiaries granted to a director is subject to approval of the shareholders of the respective Companies. During the nine months ended December 31, 2008, the Company has received the necessary approvals in respect of remuneration paid amounting to Rs.62 lacs for the year ended March 31, 2008 and grant of 100,000 stock options to one of its directors. In respect of the remaining cases the Company has initiated the process for obtaining the requisite approvals.
4 The Company currently operates primarily in a single segment of television media and accordingly, there is no separate reportable segment.
5 As per the terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, given below is the information on investor complaints for the quarter ended December 31, 2008:
Pending at the beginning of the quarter Received during the quarter Disposed of during the quarter
Nil 9 9
6 During the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2008, the Company has allotted 58,560 shares and 131,625 shares respectively pursuant to the exercise of stock option by certain employees under the ESOP scheme. Further the Company has granted 3750 options during the quarter ended December 31,2008.
7 Previous period figures have been regrouped/recast wherever considered necessary.
For and On Behalf of Directors
Place: New Delhi
Date: Jan 23, 2009