This Article is From Jul 20, 2014

You've Been Doing Your Daughter's Hair Wrong. It Takes Only 17 Seconds

You've Been Doing Your Daughter's Hair Wrong. It Takes Only 17 Seconds

Courtesy: Rene ortner

If you're among the parents who are tired of all the tears and tantrums that come along with 'hair-making time', this one's for you.

We're (not) sorry to tell you, you've been going about this all wrong. It doesn't take hours to get your daughter's hair in place. In fact, it takes only about 17 seconds.

Here's what you'll need - your daughter, some bands and... well we'll leave you to watch the video below.

Here's our final word on the matter though. If this is what happens when you leave the kid with daddy alone, you should definitely do it more often.
