This Article is From Sep 24, 2014

Who NOT to Date: 15 Lessons From Our Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Who NOT to Date: 15 Lessons From Our Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Images courtesy: F.R.I.E.N.D.S' official Facebook page

It's been 20 years since the pilot episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S aired and Rachel Green, in that flowing white dress, ran away from her own wedding and came to that famous coffee shop, and into our lives. Six friends who could not live without each other and as it turned out after the first season, neither could the world.

Here's a list of 15 people we came across during the show who we think were tailor-made for the Who-Not-to-Date variety:

1. The One Who Pays Half of Your House Rent
Never date the roommate, because when things get bad you're left with all of the rent to pay for the rest of the month. Joey dated the incredibly good looking Janine for a short while despite being warned against it. But Janine thinks Monica's too loud and Chandler's 'blah-blah-blah-blah'. Of course this ended up in a break and a cat-fight, which presumably Monica won:

2. The One Who is Related to Your Friend. Like Your Friend's (Evil) Identical Twin Sister? Yeah. NO

Okay, first things first. Why would you date someone you've NEVER heard anything nice about? Joey dated Ursula, Phoebe's twin sister, but their romance was short lived, mostly one-sided and somewhat creepy to watch because Ursula, well, looks like Phoebe.  

phoebe and ursula.png

Ursula(L) and Phoebe(R) fighting it out infront of Joey's apartment.

3. The One Who is Stalking You

In no universe is this okay. Also, dating someone who cannot differentiate between reality and a TV show, just cannot end well. Erica's love for the character Joey plays, Dr Drake Ramoray from The Days of Our Lives, was batty to say the least.

4. The One That Doesn't Work Out the First Two Times

OH. MY. GOD. Why would Chandler make the same mistake again, and again, and again? Could he BE anymore silly?

5. The One Who Has the Power to Fire Your Friend From His/Her Job

This may work only if you're in love with the said boss/colleague and you don't particularly like that friend. Ummm.. NOPE. Not even then.

6. The One Who Makes You Want to Lie About Your Age

Monica dated Ethan who she thought was a senior in college, while she in turn lied about her age. As it turns out, she wasn't the only one lying. Ethan was a senior alright, but in high school, making the entire affair a very 'icky' one for poor Monica.

7. The One Who is Overtly Promiscuous

Imagine being with someone who speaks about his/her sexual experiences to your friends and states all of the countries and places that he/she has had sex in (Someone tape that mouth, please!).

8. The One Who is Confused About His/Her Sexual Orientation

Being dumped is hard. Being dumped for the opposite sex is harder. Dear partner of the unfortunate one, pick a side for the love of whomsoever!

9. The One Who is Too Young to Understand Your Jokes

And going out drinking together is not an option. Is the other person above the legal age? Are you SURE?

10. The One Who Almost Lives in a Dump

Making out on a heap of dirty clothes with little dirty animals for audience just isn't cool.

11. The One You Are Dating Just to make Someone Else Jealous

Because THIS is how awkward it can get. Can you handle this?

12.  The One You've Always Had a Weird Feeling About

If you think something is wrong, then there must be something wrong. Rachel almost married Barry who cheated on her with her maid of honour Mindy, and then later on cheated on Mindy with Rachel. Trust your gut. Just do.   


Rachel in the candyfloss Maid of Honour dress at the Mindy-Barry wedding                          Source

13. The One You Are So Obsessed That You Lose Your Mind

If he brings out the crazy in you, the let-me-wear-my-unused-wedding-dress-for-fun crazy, then he's most definitely not the one.


Source: FRIENDSadicts on YouTube

14. The One Whose Interests Clash With Yours

Because killing a pigeon just because its chirping interrupted your conversation, can be a deal breaker.

15. The One Who You Think is Your Friend's Soul-mate

What's up with this warped theory? Your married/in-a-relationship friend gets along better with your date better than you? THEN WHY ARE YOU DATING HIM/HER?

